Digital Asset Management for Cultural Heritage

Master Images, Videos And Other Media Assets of Your Digital Collections.

Picturepark DAM organizes images, videos and other Digital Assets of museums, galleries, archives and libraries and connects it to Collection Management System, Websites, Portals, and more.

Preserving works from destruction is a key objective of cultural heritage organisations. As part of their digital transformation journey, galleries, libraries, archives, museums or corporate heritage teams need to also bring their physical collections online. This results in more files managed than ever for which file servers and other systems no longer fit the purpose.

Organize Your Cultural Heritage Content.






Store the images of your masterpieces in the Picturepark Cloud - no matter the format or file size: Raw and retouched images, videos, PDF or MS office documents, InDesign files, and much more.

Provide your audience with videos that document behind the scene moments such as how your exhibition was built, engages by showing art with moving pieces in action, multimedia animations, and more.

Make your media files available in the format that suits your user needs: high-res, press or office qualities. Protect with watermarks and provide access to only those that need it.

Use sophisticated taxonomy features that further enrich data coming from XMP metadata, file names (FNC) or Collection Management Systems such as Museum Plus so you benefit from better search and lesser manual work.

Share your content with the click of a mouse via links - to users via email or systems via embed links and connectors.

Connect To The System Of Your Choice.

Museum Plus & Other CMS.

Get select images and other media files of your works from Picturepark directly into Museum Plus or other leading Collection Management Systems, via ready-made connectors. Additionally, synchronize object information from MuseumPlus back to Picturepark, providing all the details needed for better searching, filtering and publishing content.

Multimedia Guides & Terminals.

Weather for multimedia guide devices, mobile apps or terminals: All your content stored in Picturepark can be levered for providing your visitors the right degree of rich contextual information. By using Virtual Content in Picturepark, you can define and manage the structure of your content and then send it automatically to such other systems.

Online Galleries & Portals.

Complement your e-museum and make your collections accessible 24x7 to a global audience. Provide your online visitors an outstanding user experience built without limitations based on our microsite SDK and REST API. Or take a more ready-made approach by using one of our portal partners that offer a fair amount of customization options.

Microsoft Teams & SharePoint.

Improve your internal collaboration when using your Microsoft apps: Preview and link content from Picturepark when chatting with your peers, without leaving Microsoft Teams. Or search in SharePoint and also find all related content in Picturepark, ready for download on your local device or addition to your SharePoint libraries.

Other Apps & Connector.

Connect your Picturepark and exchange your content seamlessly with a variety of other systems, using ready-made connectors or integrations which are ready for you to use. And if you don’t find the connectivity for a system that you use, you can easily build an integration yourself or via one of our partners, thanks to our SDKs and REST API.

Get Your Collections Online.

Book a meeting to learn how Picturepark helps you organize your digital assets and other types of information in an automated way.

Do More In Less Time.


Make your media files of cultural heritage objects available to the right people, at the right time and for the right task: to review, release and use. Automatically depublish and archive content.


Benefit from better search and helpful context by using semantic relationships and a data model that has been tailored to the needs of museums, galleries, libraries and archives.


Publish content the omnichannel way by using strictly-structured data and segmentation into content blocks. Build a unique digital visitor experience for your art works.

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