Picturepark Rochers de Naye Release | August 2024

Release Notes outlining the features and changes introduced by the latest new version of the Content Platform.

A new version of the Picturepark Content Platform is being released.

Version: Content Platform Rochers de Naye (11.12) will be released on 28-August-2024.
Main changes:
Multiple selection in tag box fields, and Notification Item details for each notification are available directly from the Notifications dialog.

Rochers de Naye mountain top in Switzerland
View of Rochers de Naye in the Swiss Alps - 1018 meters

Rochers de Naye is a prominent mountain peak in the Swiss Alps, situated near Montreux. The peak provides stunning panoramic views of Lake Geneva and the surrounding Alps. Visitors can hike to the summit or take the cogwheel train from Montreux; both options offer beautiful alpine landscapes along the way.

Release details

These are the final release notes.

Multiple selection in the Content and List Items tag box fields

A new icon is available in tag box fields. When you select this icon, a dialog opens where you can select several list items. You can also search, filter, and create new list items in this dialog. This improvement eliminates the repetitive process of selecting, searching, and selecting again when you want to select several items. Instead, the process of bulk selecting and managing list items is more intuitive and efficient.

New multiple selection feature in tag box fields with search and filter options.

Notification Item details are available directly from the Notifications dialog

In the Notifications dialog, you can select individual notifications to see more details about them. Unlike previously, the Notifications dialog remains open so you can easily navigate between it and the detail views. Actions, such as share and edit, for example, are available in the detail dialog.

New multiple selection feature in tag box fields with search and filter options.

Further notable changes

When a user is deleted, their user information is no longer displayed. Instead, the text Former user is displayed.

🚨 Changes To API & SDKs