DAM Solution for Marketing and Brand Management

A marketing team of 10 people needs a way to centrally store and control finished works that are used in campaigns, mailings, posters and other promotional materials. Some materials are developed in house, while others are licensed from stock photo houses and freelance photographers.

DAM Solution for Marketing and Brand Management


It must be easy to tag new assets with company-specific vocabularies, and to organize them based on the types of content they contain.

Assets produced in-house must be clearly differentiated from those licensed from external sources. All copyright, license renewal and usage restriction information must be clear.

Asset owners must be notified 30 days before a license expires, and sales teams should be automatically notified when new sales materials become available.

Some digital assets should be accessible to all company employees and others should be made available to the media in a branded Web portal.

Future Expansion

The team would like to add an approval workflow tool to the digital asset management system, and they would like to integrate it with their company’s CMS to make it easier to access approved assets for website use. As other departments across the company see the benefits of the system, it must be easy to add them as new users and to charge departments based on the usage of their employees.