ispc – your digital enabler
ISPC stands for +20 years of experience & know-how in data & media as well as information management, omnichannel publishing & eCommerce solutions. ISPC also stands for passion for IT projects in the IT-free zone and passion to design and support the change processes in organizations and companies sustainably due to the digital transformation.
Under the motto “Leading Digital Transformation”, we support our customers in transforming their “Information Supply” (IS) and the resulting Product Communication (PC).
Driven by "end-to-end processes" and a real "single source", we approach these challenges not only with passion, but rather with the market and value creation in mind.
With many years of know-how and deep experience in the various ISCM (Information Supply Chain Management) disciplines, coupled with modern methodology and necessary soft skills, we have already been able to successfully implement numerous transformation projects as consultants, sparring partners and implementers for our customers and turn them into real ones Make "leaders".
Skills for Leading Transformation
- Business Consulting
- Solution Design & Project Management
- Business Prozess Management [BPMN]
- Interim Management
- Business Mediation & Conflict
Disziplinen for ISCM Solutions
Master Data Management [MDM]
Product Information Management [PIM]
Digital Asset Management [DAM]
Omni Channel Publishing & eCommerce
Translation Management [TMS]
Technical Information Management [TD]
Holdings, SMEs & Enterprise Customers in the following sectors:
Industry / Manufacturers
(electrical engineering, mechanical and plant engineering, construction chemistry, tool manufacturers, vehicle construction, furniture, building components)Services
(insurance companies, software manufacturers, trade )
Services & Capabilities
- Analysis and development of end-to-end solutions in the field of digital assets & media management as well as media production,
- consulting and project implementation based on the picturepark content platform,
- integration of plugins, interfaces or ad-ons for media production and 3rd party system integration
- Consulting Master Data and Product Data Management
- Development of digital strategies, with the goal of an organization, system and process landscape, which are aligned with business objectives
- support for the upgrading and building teams and / or the transformation towards a Data Driven organization
- acquisition of project or interim positions as a business analyst and consultant, solution architect, as well as project and program managers
Get in Touch
You want:
- a state-of-the-art digital asset management solution
- to get more from their existing DAM
- or her DAM into the system environment and Integrate processes,
then please contact ISPC directly.