Brand Asset Management for Multiple Brands

Many professional digital asset management solutions can be used for standard brand asset management. But for larger organizations that have multiple international brands, brand asset management requires more than most DAM systems can provide.

Brand Asset Management for Multiple Brands

Complete Brand Separation

Multi-brand asset management means that each brand is treated as an independent corporate asset that stands on its own. Even when a single entity owns multiple well-known brands, the value of those brands cannot be diluted by mixing them together, or with the parent company.

Picturepark enables brand managers to deliver all brand assets from a single portal, while ensuring the integrity of each brand is preserved. Standing between each brand is a virtual wall that helps ensure that things that should be kept apart are kept apart. At the same time, digital assets and taxonomies that are common to two or more brands can be shared.

Picturepark can even help you keep users separated between your brands, so the managers of one brand will see only their own assets and coworkers. This not only increases confidentiality and security, it makes things easier for users because they don’t see assets they shouldn’t be using. To make cross-brand management and user support easier, directors or IT professionals can be given access to any number of brands.

Brand Identity Respected

Multiple brands can be simultaneously represented in the Picturepark user interface, giving users a visual sense of being in the right place. This also helps orient users who have access to multiple brands.

When files are shared from within the system, sharing users can choose which branded landing page should be seen by those who download the files. This ensures that respect for you brands travels outside of Picturepark too. It also enables managers and others who have access to multiple brands to choose the most suitably branded landing page for the files they share.

A single Picturepark instance can also be accessed by multiple, custom-built branded interfaces. Using HTML5 and CSS, Web developers can create entirely new user experiences that promote your brand, and work the way each brand’s market would expect. This enables you to provide a user experience that works for your video gaming division, while the partners and customers of your home décor product line enjoy a user interface that appeals to them.

Brand Diversity Honored

In addition to offering support for your brands’ visual personalities, Picturepark enables you to build and use per-brand taxonomies and controlled vocabularies. This is imperative if you plan to use a single DAM system to manage assets for diverse markets. Industry terms can vary wildly and, in some cases, the same term can mean very different things to different markets. Does “apple” refer to phone or fruit?

What’s more, each brand can have its own metadata schema, which simplifies things for users, and helps you keep your metadata cleaner and more meaningful. For example, if your company makes light bulbs and jet engines, you don’t want your light bulb brand managers wondering what to put into the metadata field called “Thrust.”

Picturepark enables you to build metadata schemas that are complete and accurately represent each of your brands. This prevents you from having to share a single metadata schema across an entire brand catalog, which is a requirement of virtually every other DAM software on the market today.

Brand Integrity Times x

All of the benefits of single-brand asset management are available to you in Picturepark too:

  • Control who has access to each asset
  • Improve brand consistency through single-portal access
  • Share files with anyone and measure response rates via real-time statistics

The primary advantage Picturepark’s multi-brand architecture offers you is that you can treat each brand with the individualism it deserves, while you make administration of the system easier.