Fastly CDN Delivery for Picturepark Content

Deliver Content Integrated Into Your Websites, Apps and Commerce Stores Globally and Fast, at Any Time.

Fastly Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Deliver images, videos, documents and other content stored in Picturepark globally, fast and at any time via Fastly CDN.

The Fastly Connector extends Picturepark with one of the most powerful Content Delivery Networks (CDN) that exists today:

  • Integrate Picturepark Content Links directly into websites, apps or commerce stores.

  • Deliver such integrated images, videos, documents and other files levered via CDN.

  • Reduce response and latency times via Fastly edge locations close to your users.

  • Keep sensitive content that is not shared fully private - built-in by design.

  • Purge content immediately from Fastly when changing or deleting shares.

The Picturepark Content Platform features a native integration with Fastly CDN, optionally available or included in select Picturepark subscription plans.

Share & Embed Content Delivered via Fastly CDN.

An ultra-configurable industrial-strength CDN for pros...


Long seen as a visionary star, Fastly was recognized as a Challenger by Gartner in its Gartner Magic Quadrant in September 2021. This move acknowledged Fastly’s significant gains in its ability to execute, its expanded WAAP portfolio, and its recent integration of Signal Sciences’ web application and API security solutions into Fastly’s large global network and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection capabilities.

Claimed to be “an ultra-configurable industrial-strength CDN for pros” by techradar and built on top of Varnish, a particular strength of Fastly has always been the ability given to DevOps Engineers to customize their Fastly solutions to a degree unknown by other leading vendors such as Akamai, notably achievable at a price-point that is attractive.

Fastly was little know to most even after its initial public offering (IPO) in April 2019 and its listing on the NYSE a few weeks thereafter. This changed on 8 June 2021 when Fastly reported problems with their CDN service which caused many news sites such as The New York Times, CNN and the BBC, along with major websites, such as Reddit, Twitch, Spotify and Amazon, and even parts of Twitter, GitLab and GitLab to become unavailable. Restored within 49 minutes for 95%, this incident demonstrated how much of a backbone Fastly had covertly become.

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