By Picturepark Communication Team • Aug 08, 2022
A new version of the Picturepark Content Platform will be released.
Version: Picturepark Niesen (11.4) released on 3-Sep-2022 (TBC)
Main changes:
Dynamic Relationships
Embed Link Automation

The Niesen, 2362m, is a mountain peak of the Bernese Alps in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Because of its shape, it is often called the Swiss Pyramid. Originally the Niesen was named Yesen, which is yellow gentian and still flowers on the Niesen to this day.
You can reach the summit using the Niesenbahn funicular, which was completed in 1910, but more interestingly, you may want to use the longest stairway in the world, alongside the funicular, with 11674 steps which are only open to the public once a year.
Release Details
These are the final release notes.

Users can comment on content and notify other users, e.g. for reviewing metadata before it is published or when having questions about the content.

Dynamic Relationships.
New Dynamic Relationship fields show related content based on predefined search criteria.

Embed Link Automation.
Automatically create embeds for sharing content using flexible Picturepark business rules.