von Picturepark Communication Team • Jan. 26, 2021
The Picturepark Content Platform is released in its newest version.
- Version: San Salvator Release (10.9)
- Date: 5-Mar-2021
- Platform: {name}.picturepark.com
- Main changes:
- Scheduled Business Rules
- Suggestions config independent from filters
- museum plus integration
San Salvatore... aka "the mountain" is high and very snowy
Release Details
These are the final release notes.
Release Details
Please note that these release notes are currently in a preliminary state; they are therefore not binding and subject to change. Any significant changes, which will be fully binding, will be made available during the week of the official release.
Zeitgesteuerte Business Rules
Informieren Sie Teams periodisch über neue Inhalte, veröffentlichen Sie Content oder archivieren Sie diese basierend auf Verfallsdaten. Erinnern Sie Agenturen, Uploads abzuschliessen. Automatisieren Sie Ihre zeitgesteuerten Prozesse.
For Users
Manchmal macht eine griffige Nummer den entscheidenden Unterschied, wenn man auf Content verweisen will - deshalb können Sie in Picturepark nun eigene Nummernfolgen konfigurieren und nutzen.
See what's possible.
Various Other Changes & Improvements
This section lists additional improvements and notable changes in this release.