Rights templates are a series of pre-defined user group / rights combinations and are available for category, asset and derivative rights. They simplify the rights management and prevent a rapidly growing number of the most different rights combinations.
Asset and derivative rights are assigned directly on import and can later be changed via single or batch edit. Category rights can be assigned on creating the category in the rights area of the category.
Tip: If a user group has the edit rights without templates right (see creating and editing in user rights), then this user can edit rights templates. If a template is edited and propagated in the rights template management (see managing) then all the changes are overwritten.
The rights for the asset, category and derivative rights can be managed in the rights template manager.
- This function is used for migration purposes and should only be used by VIT.
- Menu for the addition of new and deletion or copying of existing templates. The copy function can be called by clicking on the arrow.
- Important: Changes to the template are only taken over on new assignments - saving the template is not enough. Already assigned templates can be updated with the help of the propagate button.
- The standard template is always displayed on the top of the selection list of rights templates and is automatically selected. There can be more than one default template, as not every usr group has rights to every rights template. If a user group has more than one standard template assigned then the top template in the list in the rights management is used as the standard template
- Which user groups can view and assign the selected template can be controlled with access rights. If the edit option is activated, then the template can be adjusted for individual assets, categories or derivatives.
The rights can be adjusted in second tab of the selected rights template.
- If this function is activated, then the sub rights of each right are shown. For example the edit right is divided into edit, edit metadata, delete etc
- The selected rights can be de / activated for all user groups with the help of this checkbox
- By right clicking on a user group from the context menu function de / activated all rights for this user group can be called.
- If only some and not all the sub rights are filled out (see 1) then the checkbox is filled out. A tick in the checkbox shows that all the rights are activated.
Asset Rights
Asset rights determine which user groups have the rights to see, edit or assign rights to an asset as well as see the statistics. To show all the rights the button extended rights can be activated. A tooltip appears with detailed information to the corresponding right on mouseover.
- Rights to see an asset and its metadata, category assignments and versions
- Rights to edit metadata, previews, categories and versions, as well as for deleting and updating an asset
- Rights to see and edit asset and derivative rights
- Rights to the statistics and journal of an asset
Category Rights
The category rights refer to the viewing and editing of the categories and their assigned asset rights. To show all the rights you can activate the extended rights checkbox. A tooltip appears which gives you more detailed information to the corresponding right on mouseover.
- Rights to see a category and its contents
- Rights to edit, delete and move a category, as well as assign assets to the corresponding category
- Rights to see and edit the assigned asset rights
- All the categories that have been assigned the selected rights templates are shown under Assignments.
Derivative Rights
The derivative rights refer to the viewing of derivatives of different file types. Each template can be assigned a selection of asset types. The template will only be available if the asset is one of the assigned asset types.
- List of all available asset types. Important: Only asset types that have the same derivatives (e.g. bitmap and vector graphic) can be used together in the same template
- Selection of all the available derivatives of the selected asset types