Groups and Rights


The management of the user groups and their assigned rights takes place in the user groups & rights management which can be accessed in the administration menu.


folder_close_blManaging User Groups

The management of the user groups takes place using the menu in the left hand side of the window. Using the arrow you can call the copy function, with which a user group complete with all its settings (except for the assigned memberss) can be copied.

A list of all the users that are assigned to the selected user group is shown in the members tab. The user information can be viewed and changed by double clicking on a user.




folder_close_blDefault User Groups

A standard user group can be set under settings. Every new user that is registered is automatically assigned to this user group. Fast access to Picturepark is guaranteed in this way. The administrator can then still make any necessary adjustments in order to add the new user to any other groups they require.




folder_close_blUser Group Rights

The user group rights refer to the rights of the selected user groups to other user groups and the users assigned to them.




  • View users: Allows the selected user group to see the users of the corresponding user group. The users are listed in the metadata field "responsible" or in the user management for example.
  • Edit group: Allows the selected user group to edit the user group.
  • Delete group: Allows the selected user group to delete the user group.
  • View group rights: Allows the selected user group to see the rights of the user group.
  • Edit group rights: Allows the selected user group to see the rights of the user group.
  • Assign users: Allows the selected user group to assign users.
  • Manage users: Allows the selected user group to edit the users of the corresponding group.
  • Impersonate users: Allows the selected user group to impersonate with one of the users assigned to the user group.
  • Impersonate groups: Allows the selected user group to impersonate the group.


folder_open_blDerivative Rights

You can define which derivatives are allowed to be ordered by the selected group in derivative rights.




folder_close_blUser Rights

The user rights control the availability of functions to which a user group has access. The user rights are divided into different groups:

  • Administration: functions which concern the configuration of Picturepark. The configuration is mainly done via the Picturepark Management Console
  • Asset Conversion: Rights for the use of asset conversion and the management of presets
  • Orders: Rights with regard to personal and global orders as well as configuration of the administrator for orders
  • Dashboard: Rights for accessing and managing the Dashboard
  • Create & edit: Rights for the creation of user groups and the assigning of rights, which differ from the defined rights templates
  • Import: Rights for the creation of assets with a browser or batch import
  • Mailings: Rights regarding personal and global asset mailings as well as reviews
  • Personalization: Rights to MyAssets
  • Statistics: Rights to the global statistics and statistic exports


All the rights can be de / activated by clicking on the checkbox next to enable.



folder_open_blField Rights

The access of the selected user group on the available metadata fields can be defined in the field rights. We distinguish between three rights:

  • View: The field and the value in it is shown, but cannot be edited. If the field does not have any data entered, then it will not be shown.
  • Edit: The field is shown with its value and can be edited
  • Edit options: The available options for the field (dropdown list, radio buttons) can be edited
