Supplier Accounts


Users which import new assets into Picturepark are known as suppliers. Suppliers may be internal or external photographers for example. Suppliers import their data into a special category in Picturepark to which only the supplier and the administrator have access. The administrator checks and approves these assets.

There are no special requirements that need to be met to create a supplier account. To create an account we proceed as follows:


  1. Creating a new user group

It is recommended to follow a uniform naming convention for suppliers, so that similar groups can be distinguished. As the list is sorted alphabetically, it is advisable for "supplier" to be included in the user group name. Example: Supplier Agency X, Supplier Agency Y, Supplier Photographer etc. The following should be considered when assigning the rights:


  • The user group should have the right to view users for the users in their own user group
  • The user group must have the rights to create assets in the user rights. If desired the possibility of using the batch import can be granted by assigning the use batch import right.
  • The user group should have field rights on all mandatory fields, that need to be filled out on import and other relevant fields.


  1. Creating a Kategorie

An individual category for the corresponding supplier is created in a super category. You should also pay attention to the naming here, so that the category tree remains as clear as possible.


  1. Assign rights for the category to the supplier

In order for the supplier to see his category and be able to assign assets certain permissions need to be set. A category right template is created for this, that is then used for all suppliers. The  assigned rights in the template are restricted to

  • Settings: assign and edit for administrators
  • Category rights: view, edit and rights for administrators


In the next step the previously created category rights templates is assigned for suppliers. The template is adjusted as follows with a click on alter rights:

  • View and edit rights for the corresponding supplier user group


Important: As the category rights are altered individually for each supplier category, the rights template is also changed and therofore this rights template must not be propagated in the rights template manager. If the template is propagated all changes will be overwritten and the suppliers will no longer have access to their corresponding categories.


  1. Creating a new asset rights template

An indivdual asset rights template is created for each supplier. You should once again pay attention to the naming of the templates here, so that the list remains as clear as possible.  The  following rights are defined in the template:

  • Settings: assign and edit rights for administrators and the corresponding supplier user group
  • Asset rights: all rights for administrators and the corresponding supplier user group

This template is defined as the standard template. When a supplier imports data this template will always be selected by default.


  1. Editing existing rights templates

Finally the existing rights templates need to be adjusted. The new user group should e.g. be provided with rights where required in the derivative rights templates.

If a category right template for public access or for categories that all Picturepark users should see (such as a taxonomy structure) then the user group needs to be added to the corresponding templates. Subsequently the template needs to be propagated in order for the changes to be applied.


  1. Checking the rights using Impersonate

You can check if the rights have been set correctly by impersonating. A test import shows if the asset, category and derivative rights are correct.


  1. Informing the user

The user is invited to register in Picturepark or is informed about their account which was already created by the administrator. Information about Picturepark use and the workflow are also sent.