Multi-Client Capability


Picturepark offers the possibility of being used as a platform for multiple clients. In this way a single Picturepark can be used for multiple departments, business areas, clients or other organisational units. Each unit has full control over their own assets, but not over those of the other units. Depending on the license and configuration, a category tree, own metadata fields, an own user management  with roles and rights management, own workflows as well as own personalised channels can be made available. An own channel per unit is recommended but not absolutely necessary.


Adjustments on the server

In an SaaS hosting these changes need to be made by VIT. These changes are only necessary if an own branding per unit is desired.

  • Creation of an own start page per unit, accessible via different URLs (e.g. and
  • Creation of an own header per unit. The inclusion of the header is done via the Picturepark Management Console. The use of different headers is only possible if each unit has its own channel.


Adjustments in the Picturepark Management Console

The Picturepark Management Console, PPMC for short, is used to configure individual Picturepark instances. Please contact VIT for access and the user manual for the PPMC. Assistance for the actions listed below can be find in the PPMC user manual. The following adjustments need to be made in the PPMC:

  • Creation of a separate channel (if desired)
  • Adjustment of the branding: adjustment of the header file, CSS and any scripts per channel.
  • Creation of specific metadata fields per unit. The creation of too many client specific fields should be avoided. Where possible the standard fields such as title and description should be used. In this way the search index can be more easily built and later system maintenance is facilitated.


Adjustments in Picturepark

The following adjustments can be made by any Administrator or any user with the required rights.

  • Creation of a corresponding user group per unit. It may be necessary to create more than one user group per unit e.g. an administrator usergroup and appropriate sub-categories. It is important  that the naming of the user groups is consistent in order to facilitate their management. The user groups are directly assigned the following rights:
  • In the user group management the rights to the specific metadata fields for the corresponding unit are assigned for each user group.
  • Creation of the appropriate rights templates per unit.
  • Assigning of category rights for the corresponding channels and categories, so that each unit can only see their own content.
  • Informing the units after the configuration is completed.