Slide Browser


Single slides and presentations can be managed with the slide browser



All the slides can be activated/deactivated in the current view with the slide filter.



Using the file type filter you can filter for presentations in the current view. This filter also shows single slides.



folder_close_blManaging Slides and Presentations

All the single slides of a presentation are shown in the Slides tab. The single slides can be mailed or added to the basket from this view. Further options are available in the context menu.manageslides_en



All the slides will be overwritten if a presentation is updated. If a single slide is update, then only that asset will be updated in Picturepark, the original presentation however, will remain the same.



The rights of a presentation are automatically inherited by its slides.



Single slides can be merged into a new presentation and downloaded. The desired slides should be added to the basket and then download. All slides with the same file extension will be merged into a new presentation.