

The view in Picturepark can be filtered with various search function.

folder_close_blSimple Search

In the simple search keywords can be linked with and, or, not (boolean factors). Additionally search suggestions appear during every search. These are made up of the entries of the last user and the categories in Picturepark.


You can select options which have an effect on the search results.


  • Always search all categories: All categories, not only the selected category, are searched through in every search.
  • Include sub-categories: All the sub-categories each category are also searched.
  • Auto-reset when browsing: The search is reset when you browse to another category or channel. The search can be used on other categories and channels when this option is deactivated.
  • Include category names: Assets are also shown that do not have the metadata in the search term, however are assigned to a category that contains the search term.
  • Include document full text: With this option the text in documents is also searched.
  • Search using 'contains': Strings are checked to see if the search term entered is included. A search string containing "x34" for example finds "BlowframeX3400turbo".
  • Enable multi select search: Allows you to see assets from multiple categories.
  • Search language: The search language refers to the entry in the search field. The selected language optimises the search. For example by using the correct semantics -e.g. when selecting English and searching for the entry color - colour is also found.


folder_close_blField Specific Search

The extended field search lets you search with different combinations of keywords. Assets can be searched for any metadata information. Different combinations allow for as precise a search as you would like.  

You can open the extended field search by clicking on "Extended" and then "Field search" underneath the search field.



In the below example all assets which have "Logo" in the title, are assigned to the categories "Sky" and "Blue" and which expire in the next 30 days are found.



  1. Saved extended searches can be called and edited using this dropdown
  2. The available metadata fields can be searched through using this search field.
  3. The metadata fields can be added to the operand group (AND/OR) via drag & drop.
  4. Removal of the selected entry or the deletion of all entries
  5. Switching of the selected operand / Addition of an operand group
  6. Restriction of the extended search to specific categories by using the corresponding metadata fields.


A yellow bar is shown in the asset browser after you have executed the search. The options for the search are shown in this bar: The search can be cancelled, edited or saved.



If you use the operand "contains exact list values" or "contains list values", then an analysis of the number of hits of the assets in the current search can be shown and directly edited (edit all, put all in basket and export as a csv file) by clicking on the report icon (second from the right in the screenshot above).



folder_close_blCategory Search

After running a category search, only the categories that contain the search term (and their super categories) will be shown in the category tree. The category search can be found above the category tree.



folder_open_blExtended Category Search

Assets can be found according to their assignment to one or more categories. An example would be searching for all assets with the metadata „Cabriolet“,  which are in the categories "Cars" and "People".




folder_open_blMulti-Select Search

As soon as the multiselect search has been activated, checkboxes will appear in front of each category/class. If multiple checkboxes are then only the assets that are in the selected classes are shown.




The view in the asset browser can be filtered for pictured file types with the filter toolbar. By clicking on the filter icon on the far right you can also combine the file type filters. You will also find all the public searches, which have been saved by users. Depending on your rights a right click on a public search allows you to edit or delete the search. The filters can be customised.




The following filters are set as default (left to right):

  • All: Searches through all file types
  • Images: Only shows images
  • PDF: Only shows PDF files
  • Office: Only shows Office files
  • Multimedia: Only shows multimedia files
  • Other: Shows all other file types