Saving Collections


Each user can save individual collections of assets, that can be accessed again at a later date. You can save search queries as well as whole baskets. The saved collections are only visible to the user that saved them.


folder_close_blSaving Baskets

You can save the basket by clicking on save as soon as one or more assets are put in the basket. The name and description of the basket can be entered in the window that opens when you click save. The entry is now visible in the MyAssets structure under saved baskets.

myassets-savebasket_en myassetes-savebasket2_en


folder_close_blSaving a Search

You can save simple as well as extended searches. You can save a search as a MyAssets entry by clicking on the save icon as soon as a search as been carried out. You can enter a name and description for the new entry in the window that opens as soon as you hit the save button. The following search types can be selected for extended searches:

  • Extended Search: Personal search, which is only shown for the current user
  • Workflow Search: Search which can be used as a filter for workflows
  • Public Search: Public search which is shown in the filter search to users with sufficient rights. You can give the rights to see and edit a public search to individual user groups over the "rights" tab.

The entry (extended and workflow search type) is only shown in the MyAssets structure under saved searches.

myassets-savesearch_en myassets-savesearch2_en

folder_open_blEditing Entries

The name and description of each entry in MyAssets can be edited. The entries can also be deleted. You can edit and delete using the context menu.
