Managing Orders


All received orders can be managed in order management.


folder_close_blOrder Management Window

A new window opens when you select the order manager from the administrator or user menu.



  1. Overview of all orders
  2. An addition tab with the order id appears when an order is opened.
  3. Options to filter the list of displayed orders
  4. Button for deleting or closing the currently selected order
  5. List of orders with the most important data


folder_close_blFiltering the View

The list of displayed orders can be filtered using various options.



  1. Filtering the view for a selected state
  2. Search field for searching through the list using keywords
  3. Browsing through the mailing list pages
  4. The list is either sorted ascending or descending with a click on the title of a column in the list


folder_close_blManaging Orders

The selected order opens in a new tab when you double click on the order. All the information regarding an order is shown in this tab e.g. comments to the order or the ordered formats.


  1. Approve and send the order with the selected formats to the orderer
  2. Reject the order with a reason as to why it was rejected
  3. Close the order
  4. List of all users that can make decisions regarding the order. Depending on the configuration this might only be the administrator or the responsible users of the selected assets
  5. Overview of all the orderers details (desired delivery method, email address, order date, subject and message
  6. Menu for further processing of the assets ordered
  7. Individual or multiple assets can be selected / unselected with this function
  8. Selection of the formats ordered. This selection can be changed for each asset before approving the order