

Rights are defined at various points in Picturepark, which ultimately all affect the user. The various stages of rights assignments in Picturepark are:


User Rights

Rights are not directly assigned to individual users, they are assigned to groups. The granting of rights to a user is done by assigning said user to one or more groups. The user then receives hte cumulative rights of all the gropus to which he is assigned. The rights of the user groups refer to the editing and creation of assets and the management of Picturepark.





Category Rights

The awarding of category rights controls which user groups can see and edit the respective category. If a user group does not have the right to see a caregory, then the user group cannot see any assets in that category (even when the asset rights would allow this).


Asset Rights

Asset rights refer directly to a single asset. They control which user groups can see and edit an asset.


Derivative Rights

Derivative rights control the access of user groups to individual derivatives of an asset and can be set on the individual assets.






A rights dependency is created:

  • Without rights to see the categories, the assets in the category cannot be seen
  • Without rights to see the asset, the derivatives cannot be seen